2017 Fall Bucket List

Monday, November 13, 2017

Meeshon.com, fall, bucket list

We are weeks into fall which can only mean one thing. The time for falling leaves and changing temps are officially upon us and I couldn't be more excited! Whether you are a fan of attending costume parties and tailgating all Saturday long, there is something about fall that makes it favorite to each of us! To help you celebrate I have listed out my bucket list of fall activities that will have you enjoying everything that this autumn has to offer. 

1. Decorate for fall 

There is no better way to get into the spirit than to decorating for fall, and I am talking about more than just a few simple pumpkins. Create your own wreaths or find the perfect centerpiece. Get creative this year! 

2. Go to a pumpkin patch

Pumpkin patches are the reason I live for fall! There is nothing better than taking candid pictures in the fields of endless pumpkins, and drink that legendary apple cider, and of course eating pumpkin flavored donuts. 

3. Watch a classic / seasonal movie

Wanting magical powers is pretty much a right of passage in every childhood! It's also the reason why Halloween movies like Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown have such a special place in each of our hearts. I can't think of a better way to celebrate the season than to grab a heated blanket, a bag of popcorn and binch watch all these classics. 

4. Burn cozy candles

There are certain things I will always cherish as simple pleasures, and one of those things is the way I feel when I walk into a room that smells good! Shouldn't we feel that more often? I'm just going to go ahead and say yes! Burning your favorite fall scented candle is a fool proof way to enjoy the season. 

5. Make a cozy fall recipe 

Ah, fall means that soups are back. There is something truly comforting about enjoying a bowl of warm soup on a cold raining day! What soup is your favorite??

Whats on your fall bucket list this year?

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